NEW TO BIRTHBALANCE CONNECT – Our inclusive and subtitled on-line learning modules are perfect for families that live rurally, internationally or find it hard to get to community antenatal classes, or for new parents that want to learn at their own pace and in their own place! Our indepth on-line pregnancy classes contain hours of easy to understand pregnancy education, all supported with videos, interviews from leading health professionals, and demonstrations, to help you feel supported through every step of your parenting journey – pregnancy and the early months with your new baby. Each of our 12 modules are subtitled for our hearing impaired viewers, and where English is your second language. We have also made our modules suited to all of our birthing parents, their companions and support networks. We follow up all of your online learning with monthly zoom catch-ups, and a 140 page parenting manual to download, so that you have all the information at your finger tips. We can’t wait to share this with you. Join our Facebook page for the next zoom event.