Our inclusive and subtitled on-line learning modules are perfect for families that live rurally, internationally, find it hard to get to community antenatal classes, or for new parents who choose to learn at their own pace, and in their own place! Please see below for a list of the contents of our exciting and empowering pregnancy modules.
Our indepth on-line pregnancy courses contain hours of easy to understand pregnancy, parenting and baby information. They are supported with informative videos, interviews from leading health professionals, and demonstrations to help you feel supported throughout every step of your parenting journey – From pregnancy and preparing for labour and birth, through to the early months with your new little one – You’ll find it all in our comprehensive modules.
Each of the 13 modules are subtitled to support our hearing impaired viewers, or where English may be your second language. We have also ensured our modules are suited to all of our birthing parents, their companions and support networks.
We follow this intensive online learning with comprehensive parenting manuals to download so that you have all the information at your finger tips, and we would love you go join us for our monthly live zoom chats where you can ask questions and get updates. Follow our birthbalancenz Facebookpage for more helpful information and zoom links. Join us on Instagram.

Meet Michele – and find out more about the pre-recorded video classes…

Full Comprehensive Pregnancy and Parenting Course
Modules 1-13
The complete comprehensive course, covering pregnancy, labour, birth, feeding, and transitioning to parenthood. Everything to make you feel confident on your exciting journey. We interview a number of maternity professions such as a Midwife, Pregnancy and Paediatric Chiropractor, Birth and Postpartum Doula, Lactation Consultant, Car Seat Technician, and a few of our new parents who chat to us about their parenting journeys. We also include our 130page parenting manual with this course. Please see below for a contents list of our modules.

Pregnancy Course
Modules 1-6 & 13
Preparing for baby –Pregnancy, labour, birth and the first few days with your little one.
Including helping baby in to an optimal position for birthing, natural physiological birthing, medically assisted birthing, water and hypnobirthing. We interview a Midwife, Birth Doula, new parents, and aso include important, indepth information from our Pregnancy Chiropractor. We also include our 72page pregnancy manual with with course. Please see below for a contents list of our modules.

Postpartum Course
Modules 6-13
Transitioning to parenting
Everything you need for your postpartum journey’ including feeding your newborn, safe sleeping, getting to know and bond with your baby, bathing baby, supporting new parents, and so much more. We interview a Postpartum Doula, Lactation Consultant, Car Seat Technician, and we hear from our Paediatric Chiropractor about the importance of a healthy nervous system for your baby. We also include our 72page postpartum module with this course. Please see below for a contents list of our modules.

A guide to feeding your baby
Module 7
An indepth look at how milk is produced, hunger cues, how to tell your baby is getting enough, the importance of a correct latch, problem solving, and formula feeding (supplimentary feeding). We chat to a local Lactation Consultant, and we have a couple of fabulous videos to show you. We also include the breastfeeding manual with this course
Module 1 – Considerations for preparation of labour and birth
Module 2 – Getting to know your amazing body
Module 3 – Pregnancy terminology and hormones of labour
Module 4 – Your Body prepares for birth – The third trimester
Module 5 – When natural birth takes a detour – Medical pain management and assisted birthing
Module 6 – Meeting your new baby – The first few days
Module 7 – Breast/Chest feeding & Problem Solving
Module 8 – The sleeping expectations of your newborn and safe sleeping
Module 9 – The post partum parent – Emotions, self care, support & postpartum depression
Module 10 – Transitioning into parenthood – The first 8 weeks
Module 11 – Setting up the nursery & bathing your baby
Module 12 – Supporting your babies nervous system and keeping your baby safe in a car seat
Module 13 – Closing words and important links